Psalm 30:11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing KJV
His dance

Amy Anderson in Switzerland 2011
There are many ways to exercise but guess how I prefer to exercise...dancing. Second Samuel 6:14 states that "...David danced before the LORD with all his might" KJV More and more churches are open to dance ministry and now Christian Worship Dance Clubs are popping up all over the world. Dance has a duel can be used to worship God and it happens to be very athletic. Scripture indicates that God likes a new song sung to Him. I suspect He likes new dances too since He gave me one that has helped take me around the world. As I travel and share my healing testimony, I'm always surprised at the number of people who come up to me afterwards with tears in their eyes. Most want to dance for God!!! Many were touched spiritually, emotionally, and even physically while I danced. God is a limitless loving Father. Bottom line...WE CAN DANCE...for Him! Follow me at:
Dance is multi-cultural and attracts all ages...including the youth of whom many are leaving the typical Christian church services. This should be a concern for know that the next generation is not showing up for worship. Young people are less involved in the church than ever. Christian teenagers and young adults see most churches as "over-protective, shallow and repressive". More than half of of this population are distancing themselves from today's church. The Barna Group reports that almost 60% of those ages 15-29 have left active involvement of Christian churches. We live in a culture that is distracting and pulling young people away from Christ. Many teens feel that church members are not listening to their needs or caring who they are becoming in Christ. Those who have certain giftings (eg. scienctist) have not been able to connect with the church. Most youth groups are not discussing the diverse ways that faith can be expressed. Jesus prayed a prayer in John 17 saying that He did not want to take us out of the world but He wants us to be faithful in the world. Different ministries/people are called to different things. Some are called to follow Christ in a new way.
Dance is multi-cultural and attracts all ages...including the youth of whom many are leaving the typical Christian church services. This should be a concern for know that the next generation is not showing up for worship. Young people are less involved in the church than ever. Christian teenagers and young adults see most churches as "over-protective, shallow and repressive". More than half of of this population are distancing themselves from today's church. The Barna Group reports that almost 60% of those ages 15-29 have left active involvement of Christian churches. We live in a culture that is distracting and pulling young people away from Christ. Many teens feel that church members are not listening to their needs or caring who they are becoming in Christ. Those who have certain giftings (eg. scienctist) have not been able to connect with the church. Most youth groups are not discussing the diverse ways that faith can be expressed. Jesus prayed a prayer in John 17 saying that He did not want to take us out of the world but He wants us to be faithful in the world. Different ministries/people are called to different things. Some are called to follow Christ in a new way.
"Celebrations are to the community what food is to the stomach:necessary." -- George Laurence

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Ecc 3 there is a time for war and a time for peace
Psalm 25 my question: what are God's worshippers like?
your answer: arrows aimed at God's bulls-eye.
What is the Tabernacle of David? It is a New testament concept.
The Tabernacle is a prophetic picture that God gave to Israel to help them understand heaven, and how sinful man can come near to and have intimate communion with God who is holy. This is possible through the blood of Jesus.
Restoration of the Tabernacle of David - Acts 15:16,17 God takes worship seriously.
1 Chronicles 9:33 "Some Levite families were responsible for the Temple music. The heads of these families lived in some of the Temple buildings and were free from other duties, because they were on call day and night." Good News Translation
The Jewish apostles were grappling with Peter's ministry to the Gentiles. In verses 16 & 17 James quotes from Amos where the Lord said He would rebuild the Tabernacle of David which had fallen into ruins.
It is a world-wide move of God.
Around the globe God's people are gaining understanding of and hearing the call to restore the Tabernacle of David. The features of the Tabernacle of David give an insight into what God is doing in the earth today among both His Jewish and Gentile people.
Features of Tabernacle of David
Ecc 3 there is a time for war and a time for peace
Psalm 25 my question: what are God's worshippers like?
your answer: arrows aimed at God's bulls-eye.
What is the Tabernacle of David? It is a New testament concept.
The Tabernacle is a prophetic picture that God gave to Israel to help them understand heaven, and how sinful man can come near to and have intimate communion with God who is holy. This is possible through the blood of Jesus.
Restoration of the Tabernacle of David - Acts 15:16,17 God takes worship seriously.
1 Chronicles 9:33 "Some Levite families were responsible for the Temple music. The heads of these families lived in some of the Temple buildings and were free from other duties, because they were on call day and night." Good News Translation
The Jewish apostles were grappling with Peter's ministry to the Gentiles. In verses 16 & 17 James quotes from Amos where the Lord said He would rebuild the Tabernacle of David which had fallen into ruins.
It is a world-wide move of God.
Around the globe God's people are gaining understanding of and hearing the call to restore the Tabernacle of David. The features of the Tabernacle of David give an insight into what God is doing in the earth today among both His Jewish and Gentile people.
Features of Tabernacle of David
- When believing Jews and Gentiles are ONE in Jesus the Messiah. This brings a powerful unity that releases the blessing of God. Here God's kingdom is proclaimed and built. Regardless of race, culture or traditions, there is ONE body of Christ. (Ephesians 2,4)
- It is primarily prophetic. King David's life, kingship and worship were all prophetic of the life and ministry of Jesus. Here too, Psalmists are called and appointed to prophesy on their instruments.
- Is about Kingly authority. Jesus sits upon the throne of David, which is in heaven amidst 24/7 worship. King David also reigned from the place of worship. This affected government and business. When we allow the government to be on the shoulders of Jesus, His Kingly authority is released in our midst.
- It is a place where there was worship and intercession 24/7. It is very prophetic of the harp and bowl ministry that surrounds God's throne and spoken of in Revelation 5. It is here that worshipping warriors can minister to the Lord and be released to serve Him. Davidic worship features the use of prophetic psalmists, singers, shophars, intercessors, banners, tambourines and dance.
- It is a picture of great intimacy with the Lord, and the strong move of the Holy Spirit. David's Tabernacle was a tent set up in Jerusalem and all it contained was the ark, representing the presence and glory of God. This was prophetic of Jesus coming to earth to "tabernacle" or dwell in the midst of his people. The ultimate fulfillment is intimacy with the Lord in the throne room in heaven. The writer to the Hebrews says that by the blood of Jesus we can ALL draw near and enter into the Holy of holies. It is not restricted to the privileged few as it was in the Tabernacle of Moses.
- Worship and intercession with the liberty of the Holy Spirit is found here. David was an extravagant worshipper who danced and played his harp before the Lord without fearing man. David's liberty is a picture of the NT church that would worship in "spirit and truth".
- It gives an indication of an end time harvest. It is the one place that the Lord has said that ALL of mankind will be able to seek Him and find Him. Yes, it is God's divine strategy for evangelism and preaching the gospel to all nations.
- The natural and spiritual restoration of the nation of Israel. God's purposes for the nation of Israel have not changed and this is an opportunity for gentile believers to pray for, encourage, comfort and "make jealous" the "natural branches of the olive tree"(Rom 10,11)
- The bride makes herself ready and prepares the way of the Lord. The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is a preparation for the return of Jesus. The bride will be without spot or wrinkle, so holiness is an important issue. Everything is prepared for the bridegroom to be made welcome.
Luke 15:24-25 "son of mine is alive and dancing. " NIV
Nehemiah 13:10-11 "...they and the singers who were to conduct the worship services had all returned to work their fields. I immediately confronted the leaders and demanded, "Why has the Temple of God been neglected?"
Resources to inspire creativity and promote motivation
Nehemiah 13:10-11 "...they and the singers who were to conduct the worship services had all returned to work their fields. I immediately confronted the leaders and demanded, "Why has the Temple of God been neglected?"
Resources to inspire creativity and promote motivation